
「非暴力直接行動が世界を変える」翻訳出版・第3回セミナーでのアンジーさんのスピーチ [メディア・出版・アート]


でも、十分な準備を整え、 友人や家族や運動が支えるならば、思っていたほど悪くないことに気づきます。
18b  Angie inside Naval Base 25th February 2012w800.JPG韓国の済州(チェジュ)島でのことです。平和の島、チェジュの豊穣な土地と水源を破壊しながら建設されている巨大な米軍基地建設に反対して 地元の韓国人と共に抗議行動をしている時に、逮捕され、刑務所に入れられました。[右の写真,原書105頁]



‘Democracy dies without protest’

Unlike in Japan, in the UK, many, many thousands of people have been arrested, charged and been found guilty of crimes when they have engaged in protest activities.
As soon as they have blockaded nuclear military bases (like Faslane) or arms manufacturers (like the Israeli weapons company Elbit) or tried to stop environmental harm by slow marching in the public streets to demand an end to fossil fuel use, they have faced heavy fines or imprisonment.
Some may not be able to risk arrest as they might fear the loss of their employment or they may have to care for children or relatives.
But they then help behind the scenes, raising money to pay fines, doing press work or supporting those in prison. For every person risking arrest there are maybe 5 or 6 helping and supporting them.
Many people over here, as is likely in Japan, are scared and worried about getting arrested.
But if they make sure they have prepared well and have friends and family and a movement to support them they find it is not as bad as they thought.
In fact, it becomes very liberating to face their fear and come through stronger as a person. They feel better for having taken action.
I have been arrested in many different countries and sometimes I had no idea what the repercussions might be.
Of course, it is sometimes easier to be arrested in another country as the authorities there may not want the publicity that internationals might get when arrested and hence you may just be deported or arrested but with no charges or legal problems.
I was arrested and spent some time in prison in South Korea when I was protesting with local Koreans against the building of a huge US military base in Jeju that was destroying precious farmland and water sources on that Island of Peace.
However, eventually I was just deported.
I was free enough in my life for it not to affect me much. But everyone is different and has different choice to make.
In Korea, local people were inspired by the continuing actions against the building of the base and continued acting, getting sent to prison and are still protesting.
Sometimes, it is only by determined protests that include blockades and disruption of the ‘business as usual’ practices that are destroying our planet that change can come about. I have a t-shirt that says ‘Democracy dies without protest’.
I think of myself as a global citizen and am very conscious about what UK corporations, investment banks and armed forces are doing around the world.
By acting against the harmful extractivism and militarism of my country in these other places. I am saying with my heart, mind and spirit that it is not being done in my name or by my will.
I act in solidarity with my fellow human beings. And it has been a great pleasure and source of inspiration to me to join with people from so many different countries.
I have learnt that there are many of us all over the world that want the same thing – to live together and to save our precious earth.
I have friends and colleagues everywhere and feel very connected and close now to different people even when they live thousands of miles away in very different cultures.
I hope that my book will help all who read it to learn from my experiences, mistakes and learnings over many years of protesting.
I hope that if enough people all around the world stand up against their governments, corporations and militaries and demand the changes we need that we will eventually learn to live together and share the resources of this wonderful planet together, in harmony with all the other species.
But we have to act fast before climate change and militarism destroy our living ecosystem.
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