前の記事で“Journal of Resistance.Studies” という新雑誌(学界紙)を紹介した.http://pegasus1.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2015-09-12#jrs
(その雑誌のサイト http://resistance-journal.org

著者はJason MacLeod,タイトルは “Building Resilience to Repression in Nonviolent Resistance Struggles” という論文の,Individual Responses to Building Resilience to Repression (弾圧からの回復力形成の様々な対応)という一節.
Humour can also be used to reduce the effect of fear. I recall, for instance, facing a phalanx of riot police on the barricades of the World Economic Forum in Melbourne in 2000. When the riot police appeared replete in black armour and helmets, visors down, advancing in unison while beating their batons on their shields, someone started to hum the soundtrack that was played in Star Wars films whenever the Storm Troopers and Darth Vader appeared. Others took up the chant. Suddenly the whole crowd was singing it. Many laughed and morale soared as we sang the music, positioning ourselves as Jedi Knights against the Evil Empire. The performance tapped into a powerful shared aural memory. We knew who we were and how the story would ultimately unfold. This helped people stand their ground and maintain nonviolent discipline.

この音楽と言うのは,“Darth Vader Imperial March”と言うようだ.次はwikiにあった冒頭部分の楽譜.
