"We do understand that it is politically a complex matter in Japan and we intend to follow the lead of the Japanese government in working with the people of Okinawa to take their interests and their concerns into account, and that obviously needs to happen. "
これを報じるニューヨークタイムズも,そのリードで「驚くべき調停的 態度 口調」という出だしで,この「指導に従う」という発言を紹介しています.
TOKYO — Striking a conciliatory tone on an issue that has divided Japan and the United States, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said Thursday that the Obama administration would follow Tokyo’s lead in working to relocate an American air base on Okinawa.

follow someone's leadというのがどういう意味か,ニュアンスかを,ロングマン辞典で引いてみました.
if someone follows someone else's lead, they do the same as the other person has done:

Other countries are likely to follow the U.S.'s lead.

The Government should give industry a lead in tackling racism (=show what other people should do).

The black population in the 1960s looked to Ali for a lead (=looked to him to show them what they should do).
