
Our paper on measurement of atmospheric concentrations of radioactive Cs isotopes has been published on the journal "Reports of Science and Engineering", Vol. 40, No.2(2011) from Saga University. Full paper will soon be available on the following site.
now ready for downloading: http://portal.dl.saga-u.ac.jp/handle/123456789/119295
Also downloadable from 'pegasus' site or its mirror.

Measurement of 134,137Cs Concentrations in the Air of Fukushima-City

By Kouichi TOYOSHIMA, Takasi ENDO and Yutaka HIRAYOSHI

Abstract: Concentrations of radioactive Cs isotopes in Fukushima-City were measured by collecting the air dust on the air filter for automobile on Oct. 21 and 22, 2011. Gamma-rays from the filter paper were counted by a NaI scintillation counter and a Ge detector. Dividing the activities by the volume of air passed through the filter, the concentrations of 134Cs and 137Cs were estimated to be 6.13×10-4 Bq/m3 and 8.29×10-4 Bq/m3 respectively, both with 31% statistical error.
2012.1.26 追記